Introduction to preserving the Ecology -
Throughout human existence, history records how our minds manipulate our ecology to better suit our needs. Only since the 1850s has this behavior become toxic to the ecology, and now our hands threaten to kill everything we need to survive, and making extinct non-Human species of intelligence and many other lifeforms. The gifts of the ecology are being killed by our hands, unless we put a stop to this disastrous behavior. There is no other gift but what is in our means to create.Continuing the legacy, the mission of the San Pablo Bay EPA -
Our inspiration - "It is possible: Saving the San Francisco bay", a history of a 1960s ecology movement posted here [link].
True sovereignty for the people can only be achieved by tending to the ecology of the region where the people inhabit. The potential fall-out of anti-life technologies include radiation and dioxins, which must be contained before we see cancer and mentally defected brains lower in incidence among our population.
Benefits abound with a viable eco-system:
* Agriculture is far more productive than monopolized methods.
* Cleaner water that is cheaper than bottled (monopolized) water.
* We, the People, secure long-term health benefits free-of-charge by virtue of living within a cleaner realm.
A philosophy of anti-Life known as Fascism has overtaken the bureaucracies of monopolist capitalism, whereby all that matters in life is "profit" at the expense of all other life. Fascism promotes the destruction of a sovereign eco-system as "progress".
Today, with the rise of acidification in the oceans, the loss of glaciers and rivers across California and the world, and the destruction wrought by fascists against all of Earth's living species, we find ourselves turning a new page in the Book of Life... and the question now is, what is your place in the Book of Life?
About the San Pablo Bay:
* Part of the Sacramento Delta Bio-region
* Home to endangered species and life-forms which exist nowhere else
* 5 petroleum refineries
- Valero petroleum refinery in Benicia [link]
- Tesoro Corp. Golden Eagle refinery [link]
- Phillips 66 refinery [link]
- Chevron refinery in Richmond
- Refinery pollution monitoring [link]
* 4 Military bases:
2 decommissioned
- Naval Shipyard at Mare Island in Vallejo
- Naval Base at Skaggs Island in the marshlands
2 active
- California National Guard base at Mare Island in Vallejo
- Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield
* Dispersed commuter cities
* Carquinez Cancer Alley [link]
* Monopolist Censorship of Ecology and Science news [link]
* The San Pablo Bay is located across the Pacific Ocean from north-east Asia. The ecological fallout from the pollution of China, Japan, Russia and Korea affect the ecology of north-west North America. [link]
* Maps of the San Pablo Bay [link]
More information:
* Risks to the Estuary [link]
* Breast Cancer in the San Pablo bay area, causes and concerns [link]
* Radioactive parcels of land [link]
* Preserving the Human Ecology [link]
* Nuclear threats: Examples of world-threatening negligence [link]
* Air quality [link], Air quality impact on human health [link]
* Fallout from limitless plastic bottles [link]
* BPA-Free Plastics are still toxic [link]
* 2013 Report: "Some chemicals in S.F. Bay near levels of concern" [link]
* Atrazine pesticide [link]
* Urban Gardening and the risks of soil contaminants [link]
* Veolia transnational corp. and hostility against the ecology, and human rights [link]
* Veolia, environmental crimes, and the City of Richmond, CA (2011) [link]
* Richmond City's residents battle against criminal pollution practices of Chevron (2014) [link]
* Tesoro Golden Eagle refinery banned Federal safety agency from investigating criminal workplace safety violations [link]
Endangered Species: Under the 1918 Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, it is illegal to destroy a migratory bird’s nest and eggs, though not their habitat.
* Suisun Thistle [link]
* Lessingia flowers of San Francisco city [link]
* Legless Lizards [link]
* Seal and Sea Lions in the San Pablo bay [link]
* River Otter [link]
* Salmon and agriculture in the Delta region [link]
and, Animal Rights in the San Pablo Bay, ("for by whose right should life serve but for the existence of life itself") [link], for all members of the web of life, including those not threatened with extinction!
* Osprey Raptors [link]
* Campaign to Save the Bistate Sage Grouse [link]
* Northeast San Pablo Bay (Solano & Contra Costa Counties) [link]
* Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta [link]Officially Protected areas:
* Lynch Canyon (Solano County) [link]
* Rush Ranch (Solano county) [link]
* Golden Gate National Recreation Area [link]
* North-West Napa Valley regional parks [link]
* Rush Creek Open Space Preserve [link]
* Hamilton/Bel Marin Keys Wetlands Restoration []
* San Pablo Bay Wildlife Refuge [link]
* Mt. Diablo native flowers in bloom after seasonal fire [link]
* Breuner Marsh restoration project [link]
* San Francisco Mountain Lake wetland rehabilitation [link]
* Vallejo-Benicia Buffer Greenbelt habitat renewal [link]
* Valero Benicia's bringing increased mercury pollution and ecocide through it's "crude-by-rail" project... [link]
* Save the Delta and California Rivers! [link]
* Suisun Marsh ecology threatened by Super-Dump [link]
* Educating the public about Radiation from Fukushima [link]
* Save the Birds! [link]
* Save the Bees! [link]
* Demand safer drinking water in California! [link]
* To Mitigate Ecological Fallout from Activities at the Lake Herman Quarry [link]
* The San Pablo Bay Ecological Preservation Association (SEPA) advocates for the placement of info signs with advice about how to deal with seals and sea lions, like what fish they eat and what to do when they get snagged on fishing lines. These info signs will be placed at recreational fisher areas, and as pamphlets at marinas.
* Environmental Justice: 2014 Study from the University of Minnesota [link]
* Suisun Estuary threatened by Potrero Hills "superdump" landfill [link]
* Adapting Human-Altered Landscapes for the benefit of ecological niches [link]
Ecology Solidarity with other campaigns!
* "Put the Brakes on Caltrans" campaign [link]
* Occupy Willits Bypass! Save Little Lake Valley! [link]
* Friends of the Gualala River ask Artesa Vineyards & Winery: "Don’t destroy redwood forest for vineyards" [link]
* Save Richardson Grove! [link]
* "Stop Green Diamond" campaign page [link]
* LNG refinery in the San Pablo Bay? No Way! [link]
* Preserve the Klamath River watershed [link]
* Campaign to preserve the San Vincente Redwoods near Santa Cruz [link]
* The corporate poisoning of Columbia, Mississippi [link]
* Protect the migrating Monarch Butterfly of North America [link]
* Arctic Sea Ice, live satellite feed [link]
* PFOA poisoning covered-up by DuPont corporation [link]
* Preserve the Boreal Bird Habitat of North America [link]
* Amphibian preservation efforts in the Bay Area (2014-04) [link]
* Efforts to preserve pollinator insects in California (2014-04) [link]
* Butterfly Gardening [link]
* Inviting Wildlife into your backyard [link]
* Seed Balls [link]
* Creating a Backyard Habitat [link]
* DIY Mosquito Trap [link]
* Hummingbirds at Home guide from the Audubon Society []. "Together, we can help hummingbirds Join us as a citizen scientist to help learn more about hummingbirds and how to protect them."
"New Technique Allows Frequent Water Quality Monitoring For Suite of Pollutants", 2014-03 [link]
** The Profit Motive and the Government Mandate of Environmental Protection, antagonistic in it's implementation, has lead to a foundation of corruption at the Federal and State EPAs, as accounted for here [link] **
"A poison kills you," says biology professor Frederick vom Saal. "A chemical like BPA reprograms your cells and ends up causing a disease in your grandchild that kills him."
Ecological Preservation Resources:
Organizations who help preserve the ecology through field studies, advocacy, fundraising, and advice -
For the preservation of amphibians -
* []
* []
For the preservation of native species habitat -
* []
* Solano Conservation and Restoration Manual [link] from
Annual "Pulse of the Bay" report, focusing on different aspects of monitoring data. [].
Biennial "State of the San Francisco Estuary" Conference in Oakland. [].
San Francisco Bay Keeper

"Toxins in your house", 2013-11-05 message from Bay Wise: Most people do not realize that seemingly innocent household and gardening products can cause storm-water pollution. This is an issue that the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association, a consortium of local storm-water-pollution-prevention agencies, is dealing with daily. One of our key goals is to educate the public about polluting products to help residents make changes to reduce pollution they might be causing, without realizing it. Our website, at [], offers a room-by-room house guide for making less-toxic choices.
In 2014, we'll also be releasing an app to make it easy for Bay Area consumers to make better choices when shopping for gardening products and avoid pesticides that cause toxicity in creeks throughout the Bay Area and the state. Changing consumer behaviors can help water quality.
Earth Defense for the Environment Now! (EDEN) of Napa Valley
Friends of the San Pablo Bay Wildlife Refuge
Vallejo Watershed Alliance
[PO Box 1630, Vallejo, CA 94590] []
2011-12-01 "Vallejo Watershed Alliance Improving Vallejo" by Craig Whittom from "Vallejo News" newsletter Issue 9, published by the City of Vallejo: In 2005, a local fisherman approached the Vallejo Sanitation & Flood Control District with a simple problem. He was concerned about water quality in Lake Chabot, and hoped that the District would help him find solutions to the urban impacts facing the lake. That early idea formed the basis of the Vallejo Watershed Alliance, a community based volunteer group of interested residents, local public agencies and non-profits who get together once a month to enhance and protect the waterways of Vallejo.The Alliance hosts creek cleanups, habitat restoration projects, and sees itself as a force for positive change in Vallejo. The next Vallejo Watershed Alliance activity will take place on Saturday, January 21 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Volunteers will plant native trees and shrubs in Hanns Park. The group supplies tools and refreshments, and strongly recommends wearing sturdy clothes, closed-toe shoes, hats and gloves. Attendees should park in the Hanns Park parking lot on Skyline, just off Redwood Parkway, and follow the signs up the bike path to the restoration site. For more information, visit the VWA website at:
Friends of Chabot Lake
Doug Darling [] [707-373-1766]
"Education, recreation and preservation for a healthy watershed and a healthy community"
What is a Friend? A "Friend" could be a fisherperson, a child, an adult.
A "Friend of Lake Chabot" is just that, someone who doesn't intentionally litter or harm the environment in some way, someone who simply appreciates nature.

Solano Land Trust
[] []
Napa River Steelhead
[PO Box 6291, Napa CA 94581] [707-256-9129] []
Wholly H2o (California's Integrated Water Reuse Management Center)
Wildlife Rescue Center of Napa County
[] [707-224-HAWK (4295)]
Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission []
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts []
* Marin County RCD []
* Sonoma RCD []
* Southern Sonoma RCD []
* Gold Ridge RCD []
* Napa County RCD []
* Solano County RCD []
* Dixon RCD []
* Yolo County RCD []
* Contra Costa County RCD []
* Alameda County RCD []
* San Mateo County RCD []
* Mendocino County RCD []
* Humboldt County RCD []
Death of a Million Trees
"Saving trees from needless destruction in the San Francisco Bay Area"
North Coast Stream Flow Coalition (NCSFC)
[] [707-255-7434] [2945 Atlas Peak Rd. Napa, CA 94558]
NCSFC, formed in 2010 to improve the health of the North Coast streams due to dewatering of streams from human impacts. North Coast streams provide vast ecosystems values including fishing, swimming and recreation for the public and are part of California’s natural heritage. These rivers and streams are national treasures and must be protected to the fullest extent possible by resource agencies as they have been in rapid decline due to pollution and water diversions. Despite grassroots stewardship, advocacy and litigations these mighty rivers are loosing their ecosystems values and native fisheries are vanishing in our generation.
North Coast Stream Flow Coalition Member Organizations:
* Environmental Protection Information Center
* Community Clean Water Institute
* Coast Action Group
* Friends of the Navarro Watershed
* Friends of the Gualala River
* Friends of the Eel River
* Humboldt Baykeeper
* Institute for Conservation Advocacy, Research and Education
* Klamath Forest Alliance
* Klamath Riverkeeper
* Maacama Watershed Alliance
* Willets Outlet Creek Watershed Group
* Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
* Institute for Fisheries Resources
* Sonoma County Water Coalition
* Living Rivers Council
* Earth Defense for the Environment Now
* Save Mark West Creek Conservation Corps North Bay []
UC Master Gardeners of Napa County

Conservation Corps North Bay

Friends Of The River
[] [] [1418 20th St., Suite 100, Sacramento CA 95811] [888.464.2477]
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods
[] [] [PO Box 2 Duncans Mills, CA 95430] [707-869-9177]

Napa-Solano Audubon Society
San Francisco Bay Whale Watching

Napa River Steelhead
[PO Box 6291, Napa CA 94581] [707-256-9129] []
Working together to preserve a true Napa Valley Native - Our mission: Napa River Steelhead (NRS) is a community-based organization committed to restoring and preserving the native steelhead trout population in the Napa River and its tributaries. NRS is working diligently to accomplish its goals in the following ways: - Tributary Barrier Removal - Community Awareness & Education - Habitat Restoration - Steelhead Census - Fundraising & Grant Applications - Improving Water Quality and Instream Flow - Stranded Fish Rescue
NRS is currently engaged with other common-goal organizations both locally and state wide, such as: - California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) - National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) - Napa County Resource Conservation District (NCRCD) - Friends of the Napa River (FNR) - Watershed Information Center & Conservancy of Napa Valley (WICC)
Greenbelt Alliance
Eco Center Calender
Richmond, Ecuador
Exploring connections between Richmond, California and Lago Agrio, Ecuador.
Nuclear Free California
Bay Area Environmental Education Resource Fair
Wildlife Rescue Center of Napa County
[] [707-224-4295 (HAWK)]
Clean Cargo Center: Community Resources for Reducing Diesel Air Pollution from the Freight Industry
California Native Plant Society
- Willis Linn Jepson (Solano County) []
- Sanhedrin (Ukiah) []
- Napa Valley []
- Milo Baker (Sonoma County) []
West County Hawk Watch Raptor Study Group (WCHW) []
West County Hawk Watch is a North Bay Area Group that brings attention to threats that North American Birds of Prey face. We provide Identification and Education programs, hikes, tours and workshops. WCHW monitors the encroachment of wind turbines into Sonoma and Marin. We do Nest site protection. Raptor Migration counts, studies and documentation. Children’s Educational Program providing hawk books for kids. Event dates are on the right hand side below. Please Help Support our efforts.
San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
Center for Biological Diversity
San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve